.....dear followers
I'm quite not a good teacher, but this is my passion!
....and why I'm going on to speak english ? .....probably I'm not aware to live in Italy , maybe I want my voices be "louder"

I owe many of my skills to a great friend that helps me in every difficulty.
What does make my job different??!... I spent many and many hours trying to understand the best way that silicon and semiconductors helps me to obtain the best way for an easier and effective signal path.....I tried teens and teen of bypolat transistor and Jfet to understand how they behave over the paper...how they sounds! ......just tried to design the best circuit in the simplier philosophy of design and I finished all my jobs leaving the last word to my ears ..... solderind and desoldering again and again (don't worry i use also a bredboard

for what concerning passive components I classified many resistors taking notes one after one of their features and how they can work in audio signal path and how they sounds.....I did the same with capacitors .......the first rule is knows where you're gonna put this component and his function inside the circuit...you have to know what is the work voltage and the current that will flows in it ...in audio matter sometime overdimensioning the component along signal path is not bad thing , the phisical characteristic of the components gives the rest.
At last Opamp the most used component in audio gears . starting from entry level to Hi-end to professional gears, opamp are the most widespread solution in audio design ......and why that?....I don't have to tell you opamp is an integrated circuit , so much easier for designers , smaller PCB and elevated performance compared to whatever else .
They sounds and their specifications are higher, then why not use opamp??!
Probably the answer is that our ears don't need to have a "Ferrari" inside to get satisfation but would great to have a nightingale instead

Like i did with all passive component, but added with much much care. I tried and swapped many many opamp and there are plenty of outstanding operational amplifier from Burr Brown o Analog Devices or Texas Instr. ....many of them ask for your skill to make them works right and you could find out really the magic from some of them , just you need to try and try and not anly with oscilloscope but....you know yet how.......

Many opamp are prone to oscillate in some circuits 'cause they're too fast and they need some trick to shine.
I earn all my skills with hours and hours working in laboratory , what I did in those years is a kind of (i would say) sound research .
I build a lot of tube buffer and a couple of S.E.tube amplifier ....they gives another character to the music , your ears will tel you...or you're definitively in tubes or you're in solid state ....two different beasts!!
What makes my job different by an assembler? .....
I will tell you privately

I hope not read so soon my words translated in some other commercial advertisement around here

see you soon!
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