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19 Sept 2012

Marantz CD53 upgraded


as you can see the Marantz CD53,CD43 and CD63...yes even the K.I.S. edition.... are the same machine .....the main difference is done by the HDAM discrete output present only in CD63........funny but in almost all tweak HDAM is bypassed.....yes if you use better opamp this circuit is no more required! 

That's why if you are in tweak mood much better you start from a CD53 or even CD43 swapping some more passive components with the same or even better result!!!!.....yes men , a CD43 can be turned much better than the K.I.S. version!!!!!! 

Original pcb

A Marantz cd53 tweacked to achieve stunning results in terms of  performances and sound

A tiny LT1361 mounted on a Brown dog adapter - very fast opamps from Linear Technologies to improve dramatically every kind of performances

 ...a little close up..........
 .......ready to fit in their sockets previously welded on the PCB....and..........

a couple of  highly regarded Allen Bradley carbon resistors

...the trick is done

a pair of low ESR capacitors by Panasonic to feed LM voltage regulators and a pair  of very low ESR caps to feed the path to opamps 

...voltage regulators swapped to more perfomant  by motorola wich is regarded  to provide up to 1,5A  at lower noise respect to original ones

Now it sounds dramatically good!!!!!!!!!!!

see also

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