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15 Feb 2012

Sony CDP-997 modificato Audiophile

This player gave one of the best resul among the Sony's beasts and for sure it was the uglier sounding at all before the upgrade.........
for sure the readers would ask themself why..since it's not the very basic...and I would answer that the DSP is so funny thing but no audiophile at all!!!!the processor lay on the signal passage before the DAC.....better switch it off and work for a better hardware as LPF circuit!!!!

I found there an LPF circuit and a buffer stage ...around buffer stage are spottered some transistor adjusting the gain....mmmmmm .... too long travel for a little audio signal !
 the operational on the pic above is vanished now!!!!!!!!!!!

a new laser unit KSS240 was really very fickle ...and tired..........neded a swap for a new NKS240..but pls don't try to strike the player...don't try even to tip on will skip the track soon!!! :-(

here they are the new dip-8 socket they are the 4 1/8 resistors swapped for 4 1/4  metal film res.

In the LPF i found 2 operationals for each first i swap them for a couple of motorola33078 ....better say I chose them among a big bunch of them after an accurate listening!
 but at last I found them a little bit too harsh...the I said to myself "no they couldn't be in the tastes of Sergio!!"  Thath's why I went straight for a couple of shiny Burr Brown!!..... wich model you would ask!!?!!......OPA2134 !!!!!! the one I brushed out for month ....yes now they're working great here and in the other Sony of mine (CDP-XE270)

Fujicon TM for decoupling of the two HQ  as decoupling around DAC
...and a couple of nichicon muse FG in the output followed by 2 stunning carbon composite resistors!!

Now the sound is really amazing: open detailed and dynamic...a pleasure for the ears!!!! ;-)))

another nice mod on a Sony Cdp :


  1. Ciao Maurizio sul mio cdp 997 hai fatto un lavoro Favolosoooo!!! non smetto + di acoltarlo , non l'ho mai sentito sunare cosi limpido, dettagliato mai stancante.....

    1. Grazie Sergio ;-)
      ...è un piacere sentire delle persone che apprezzano così tanto la musica e anche (soprattutto in questo caso) i mezzi per ascoltarla in un modo che diversamente non è certo nella filosofia "consumer".
      Oggi purtroppo non sono di certo così economici.... ma neanche così "HI end" mio scopo è quello di ridare alla musica quello che certa musica si merita cioè la fedeltà nella riproduzione in tutti i suoi parametri!
      Per acquistare alcuni apparecchi con certe carateristiche al giorno d'oggi bisogna rivolgersi ad un mercato elitario (molto costoso!) oppure tirarsi su le maniche impugnare il saldatore e viaa.....(naturalmente bisogna sapere come......senò si potrebbe anche peggiorare la situazione! ;-) )
      Un modo per ascoltarla ancora meglio???....Andare a teatro!!!! ;-)))
      Ciao Sergio e grazie per aver apprezzato il mio lavoro!
