
30 Dec 2017

MaoTubePreamp ....from the Heart to the Moon !!

  It's Christmas time and the MaoTubePre is one of the things I can't miss under the tree ! All muddy sound would be wiped out and a superb clean open sound take place from your loudspeakers.
A rock-hard sound with a lot of room.....a huge soundstage where every instrument take its own place in a magical order never heard before.
It woth to be heard!!!! 

...the gutt's sexy over the grid

 ... very first attempt

 ...Power Supply: work in progress

 ... a double stage with feedback ...and the duty to these shiny 6N3P double triode

 twisted cable :) fine

 ... a little of wiring

 ... the main character 

 ...A great job over the grid and over the listening
.....a delicious device for our hi-fi system

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