
28 Apr 2017

MaoAmpOne - Ibrid solution - a mosfet Power section with a tube buffer input


is the real M.A.O. amplifier : the simpliest the first!

.....with around 30W for channel and a quite tube like timbric is a very good solution to listen music .....not loud but at high quality level!

I realized this first Ibrido amplifier (M.A.O. acronym) with the help of a friend who want to remain in the shadow but he'd deseve at least my thank!

As I said before it's not loud but quite refined and lush sounding compared with regarded smilar amplifier such as Sansui 3900, Marantz 1072, Nad3020  etc etc


...going to bild the case

...power!!!!!!come to me!!!!! a couple of paired IRFP150 and IRFP9140 do their job very well!!!

...I love the lateral heat sink

The mess:

.......ok men , it works!!! it's time to comb its wild hair ;) (for serious people to cable the wires)

 last the Power section schematic

... and what about the "pre stadio" ???..the double triode used is a 6N3P in chatode follower configuration....this amp is capable of amplify around 25times the input signal from any digital source and for an analog turntable it need obviously an RIAA equalizer with a fair enought gain to work fine  .

.....The listen

...listen at this device is very easy and relaxing but never boring!!! It never scream but just play music just like it should, in the sweetest and most refined way I have eard from devices of medium-high level.

It sounds very simlar to a tube amplifier , then I can say that my aim is achieved!!!!

....not too bloomy like some tube amplifier using pentode but coloured enoght, and with a very refined texture of sound, to enjoy and relax at the same time, listening music.

...probably it lacks a bit of dynamic of some current monster that make shake your woofer like  you were at a Pink Floyd concert but the voice is quite intimate and all the midrange become magically decompressed compared to many other amplifier.

It is a shy but precious amplifier fit for refined passionate but non for "wallbreackers" ;)


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